Strengthening Social Connectedness in Sharing Your Asthma Journey

One unique aspect of DailyBreath is the crowdsourcing of flare-ups occurring within a community.  At DailyBreath we call this crowdsensing, its a way of detecting within a community how and where vulnerable populations are being impacted by the weather and environmental conditions they are encountering.  So, we want our members to share their symptoms, one symptom at a time, for their own benefit, to inform their personalized DailyBreath Forecast, and to show them where there last 5 flare-ups occurred, but also contribute to this crowdsensing which is way of strengthening social connectedness amidst those who are sharing their asthma journey.

 The social connectedness is further supported within DailyBreath by the Friends and Discussion Board features.  Our Friends module functions, in a way, as your own personal DailyBreath Caregiver Network.  You can add friends and communicate with them.  You can even create groups for a group chat notification.  Perhaps, you would include a family member, the school nurse, a fellow friend with asthma, a teacher, and even, your allergy and asthma specialist, or primary care physician. 

Imagine you are having difficulty after school in a sports practice activity and you forgot your inhaler today.  A quick group chat message could notify the group of your predicament and get follow-on support to help you prevent asthma symptoms.

The Discussion Board feature allows you to post messages to the community, ask questions, get answers, share trigger information, learn from others, and more. All of these features are aimed at permitting an app that has global reach to retain an emphasis on acting locally and connecting those most vulnerable to outdoor environmental conditions to help them all avoid potentially preventable asthma attacks.  Perhaps, by sharing the journey together and trying to help everyone breathe easier, we can realize our mission in ensuring that even one life breathes easier.

Download DailyBreath - Allergy & Asthma on the App Store or Get it on Google Play.

