Pinpoint YOUR Triggers - One Symptom at a Time!

On #WorldAsthmaDay2021 I want to explain what drives my passion for DailyBreath.  As I was developing an MVP version of DailyBreath in the summer of 2017, I came across an article that inspired a passion within me for bringing DailyBreath to market to ensure that even one life breathes easier.  It was the inspiration for the idea of pinpointing the when, where, and what of your allergy and asthma symptoms so that one could develop a personalized risk index based on their experience of triggers in their daily life.  The article was entitled, ‘Doctors Can’t Pinpoint What Triggered 15-year-olds Asthma Attack….’ 

The article went on to describe the day of a young girl who was on vacation with her family, spending the day in an amusement park in a state in the Midwest, enjoying dinner with family, and taking an evening swim in the hotel pool.  In the middle of summer, in this location, it was hot outdoors.  Besides air pollution, there is also fertilizer and pesticides from crops in the air.  And, at the hotel pool, there was probably a fair amount of chlorine in the pool, and chlorine gas in the air.  Airway inflammation is often cumulative in impact, so the article was clearly identifying that it was unclear what triggers ‘caused’ the asthma attack.  That is exactly what happened.  She experienced an asthma attack, stopped breathing, and was rushed to the hospital. 

This ‘asthma tragedy’ is but one of many occurring every day because of a potentially preventable asthma attack.  Just search ‘asthma tragedy’ on GoFundMe and you will be stunned to find hundreds of pages of campaigns seeking funds for asthma-related tragedies.  When you download DailyBreath and you see the pins represented on the DailyBreath Community Flare-Up map, remember what they represent. They represent someone recording their symptoms, flare-ups, asthma attacks. By recording them for their own benefit, they are contributing to helping everyone breathe easier.   If those most vulnerable are informed, aware, and prepared, perhaps we can reduce asthma attacks, trips to the ER, and tragic outcomes.  Perhaps if we try to ensure that even one life breathes easier, we can help everyone breathe easier. Download DailyBreath from the Apple App or Google Play store today and start pinpointing YOUR triggers.
