Why a DailyBreath Forecast? Informed, Aware, Prepared!

As we introduce DailyBreath this week to the broad market, during Earth Week, today on Earth Day it is important to convey the fundamental hypothesis of our new approach to tracking outdoor triggers that impact onset asthma symptoms and often, attacks.  It was our hypothesis that it is the confluence of triggers; weather, allergens, irritants, whether in the form of pollution, pollen, mold, wildfire smoke, etc. that contributes at a time and place to a person’s experience of their immediate environment as it relates to them experiencing symptoms.

If that was the case, then we could certainly track a person’s interaction with these triggers in relation to the conditions at the time and the location where they experience symptoms.  In this manner, we could begin to associate triggers for the user to create a personalized risk index.  In this manner, a person would begin to understand how a specific confluence of these conditions impacts them personally.  As the Earth’s average annual temperature increases, and a worsening confluence of these exposures occurs, it is increasingly important to understand our individual sensitivity on any given day. 

So, for those who are most impacted by outdoor conditions, instead of just a weather forecast, or an air quality or pollen forecast in isolation, how about a forecast based on personalized environmental insights that have been gathered from their own experience of symptoms to provide them with a personal symptom forecast.  On what type of days have I experienced symptoms?  So, this is what DailyBreath does at its core; it tracks the when, what, and where of your symptoms to translate this real-world evidence into a symptom forecast that can inform the preventative action steps that you can take to ensure that you avoid potentially preventable asthma attacks.  DailyBreath makes you informed, aware, and prepared.  This is a journey in introducing daily environmental insights based on how you experience your environment every day.  You can’t manage your triggers, if you don’t measure them. 

This is not a comprehensive asthma app at the outset.  DailyBreath is focused predominantly on environmental insights that lead to trigger management: trigger education, awareness, reduction, and avoidance.  However, as we identified certain gaps in allergy and asthma care, we have begun to target those gaps and develop functionality that will close them.  Whether its allergen evaluation, allergen immunotherapy, medication adherence, or the correct usage of inhalers, our app aims to educate, inform, and support the asthma community in ensuring that even one life among you breathes easier.

DailyBreath may not be perfect in addressing your asthma needs.  But, presuming not to make the perfect the enemy of the good and with your help, we hope to make it a staple of your daily asthma management and control.  We hope you will let us be part of your asthma journey by downloading DailyBreath by visiting the Apple App or Google Play stores or texting DB4CAST to 72345.  And, if you don’t have asthma, but know someone who does, please pass our message on.