DailyBreath to Track Personalized Exposure Health

DailyBreath requires user registration because we’re helping you to monitor your personal asthma journey as you interact with your outdoor environment. By registering, we’re able to store the weather and environmental data associated along with the time and location for a symptom that you have recorded. As you record these symptoms, you’re building a personalized view of where your last 5 flare-ups occurred.

A unique and compelling feature in DailyBreath Plus, our paid Premium version, is a Last 5 flare-ups table that associates your last 5 flare-ups on your Last 5 Flare-Ups Map with the specific weather and environmental conditions you experienced at the time of the recorded symptom. By viewing the table you begin to understand the trends associated with your personal experience of symptoms.

Understanding how YOU experience the weather and environment in your location on a daily basis is the primary goal of DailyBreath, but uniquely, it also tracks the symptoms associated with the incidental impact of allergens, irritants, or the weather from the resultant impacts of extreme weather events. One example is the prevalence of wildfire smoke as a result of wildfires in the West.

By tracking your symptoms, you will determine over time your individual sensitivity to wildfire smoke and how susceptible you may be to experiencing symptoms when various levels of wildfire smoke have impacted your local air quality. Our upcoming wildfire smoke feature, DailyBreath SHOW, a paid enhanced feature in DailyBreath, will help you view threatening wildfire smoke, but also track your symptoms when that wildfire smoke may be a factor.

As you record your symptoms, we’re going to be able to provide you a personalized exposure health profile, that includes risk indices, symptom mapping, and exposure alerts, all based on your individual sensitivity and personal susceptibility. In an increasing unbreathable world for vulnerable populations, measuring your exposures is going to be critical if you want to manage and control whether you experience a potentially preventable respiratory attack. DailyBreath is available for download from the App Store or Get it on Google Play and Register Today to start pinpointing YOUR triggers one symptom at a time!