Allergic Asthma Upstream – Daily Nasal Rinsing As A Preventative Action Step

A strange title for sure but inspired by my read of Dan Heath’s Upstream: The Quest to Solve Problems Before They Happen If we are going to reduce asthma deaths, hospitalizations, ER visits, and asthma attacks (symptoms, flare-ups, exacerbations, respiratory distress), we must work backwards from the asthma attacks severe enough to require breathing relief.  We must seize the opportunities for preventative action upstream of symptoms that ultimately require respiratory relief, whether a rescue inhaler, or worse, emergency assistance, an ER visit, an in-patient hospital stay, or even threatening life.

Since 70% of those with asthma have allergic asthma, let us target allergen reduction and avoidance to reduce or avoid symptoms that may lead to respiratory distress. With allergic asthma, it is very important to understand symptom threshold. Everyone has their own unique sensitivity to allergy and asthma triggers and not all of them are obvious, many are often subtle.  Your symptom threshold is personal, it is the point at which YOU start experiencing allergy symptoms.  So, an immediate goal is to reduce YOUR symptom threshold.

Upstream activities that support lessening your personal capacity to reach the symptom threshold is a good step in allergy management and control. One upstream step that does not get a lot of attention but makes a lot of sense is daily nasal rinsing.  Every day your nose encounters a variety of particles in the form of pollen, dust, and other allergens and irritants, while indoors or outdoors. YOUR nose is like an AC filter for your body.  Allergy management starts with cleaning out that AC filter to improve overall sinus health. It can remove allergens, thus relieving allergy symptoms. Rinsing your naval passage ensures that you are free of any blockage that may occur when you encounter new allergens and irritants. 

DailyBreath has entered into a strategic partnership with Neosinus Health to cross-market their solution offerings, the DailyBreath app, and the Neosinus Rinse Kit, respectively. The Neosinus Rinse Kit., with its revolutionary design, creates a better rinse experience. This better rinse experience can ensure you are free of any allergen particles in your nose when you encounter new allergens and irritants. It may help you stay below the symptom threshold - the point where you start experiencing allergy symptoms. With increases in pollen and the allergenicity of pollen, nasal rinsing with the Neosinus Rinse Kit as part of your daily routine could be one upstream step in helping you to avoid potentially preventable asthma attacks. Consider purchasing a Neosinus Rinse Kit today.